The healing power of Reiki
The word "Reiki" is a combination of two Japanese words: "Rei" which means "God's wisdom" or "supreme power" and "Ki is the life force energy that animates all living things." Together, "rei" and "ki" mean "spiritually directed life force energy." Reiki, like meditation, is a spiritual practice. This unique form of energy healing originated in Japan in the early 20th century.
According to the International Learning Center, the practice Reiki is based on the idea that we all have an invisible "life force energy" flowing through our bodies and we can all discover it in ourselves and heal ourselves and our loved ones.

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), Reiki therapy is a way to channel energy throughout the body to develop the Reiki recipient's ability to self-heal. The Reiki practitioner does not cause healing and is not the source of this healing energy, he is its conduit. According to a review published in December 2014 in the journal Pain Management Nursing, a Reiki practitioner is a conduit for energy, much like a garden hose is a conduit for water.
In fact, the Reiki practitioner is an open channel, and the body of the Reiki recipient takes this energy and does whatever it needs with it. Energy flows where it needs to, dissolving blocks and relaxing the human body, relieving stress and restoring energy balance. Based on my own many years of experience working with this wonderful energy, I can confidently say that this is true. My self-healing sessions always help me regain strength, relieve stress and tension, improve well-being, and relieve pain. In a short time, with the help of Reiki practice, I was able to improve my emotional and physical condition. Often during a Reiki session, the body begins to react to the energy and release blocks. One of my clients had many fears that manifested themselves in the form of twitching of the body in different places during deep relaxation, by about the middle of the session the body relaxed and calmed down, the person fell asleep and slept on the massage table for another 1.5 hours after the session. By the way, this kind of fear does not bother him anymore.
Another client had sinusitis that bothered her very much, after I put my hands to her head and started the session, she developed a strong tension in the forehead and nasal sinuses and at the end of the session she felt significant relief, after a couple of days she felt completely healthy. Practices are available to everyone after initiation or initiation into the Reiki channel. You can book a Reiki session by following this link:
So how does Reiki practice work?
One popular theory involves a phenomenon known as the "biofield". The biofield is an electromagnetic field that permeates and surrounds every living being. According to Ann L. Baldwin, Ph.D., a Reiki researcher and professor of physiology at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, in humans, this field extends 4.5 meters or more from the body.

For example, the heart creates an electrical field that is measured using an electrocardiogram or ECG to regulate the heartbeat. The brain also produces an electrical field, but at a lower level than the heart. In fact, every cell in the body generates an electrical charge through positive and negative charges, which then create magnetic fields.
According to this theory, the interaction between the two human magnetic fields can explain the effects of sensory therapies such as Reiki. It is believed that the biofield is a force that directs the functions of the body, and that Reiki energy affects the biofield. "It is believed that the biofield causes dynamic changes in its vibrational qualities, which change the physiological and psychological functions of living beings," says Dr. Baldwin.
Quantum physics - the study of how small particles such as electrons (particles with a negative electrical charge) and photons (particles of light) behave in an attempt to explain the interaction between energy and physical matter - can also help explain how Reiki practice works. Physicists have discovered that these tiny particles of energy can be in more than one place at the same time, and that thought or intention can change how these particles work. In other words, the Reiki practitioner can collect and direct the energy of the biofield to the recipient through thoughts and intentions.
The practice of Reiki can help with a variety of physical and emotional issues, including insomnia, stress, depression, anxiety, and pain.

For example, research shows that Reiki can reduce anxiety, stress, and pain in people who have had surgery. In a study published in 2017 of patients undergoing knee replacement surgery, researchers divided 46 patients into three groups: one group received three or four 30-minute Reiki sessions throughout their hospital stay; the second group received the same number of placebo (dummy) Reiki sessions; and the third group received neither Reiki nor ostensible Reiki. Each group also received standard medical care. The researchers found that only those who received Reiki saw significant reductions in pain, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and anxiety before and after surgery.
Reiki can also improve mood and sleep: A study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that college students who received six 30-minute Reiki sessions reported significant improvement and relief from stress, depression, anxiety, and insomnia.
Reiki is a complementary therapy that involves stimulating healthy energy flow in the body to reduce stress and promote healing.
Improved mood and emotional well-being
Reducing stress and enhancing relaxation
Improve sleep, improve insomnia symptoms
For people who have undergone surgery, lowering blood pressure, anxiety and pain
For people with cancer, anxiety reduction and pain management

Our bodies cannot be completely healthy when they are in a state of tension all the time. Many of you have heard this expression * All diseases are from nerves *. And this is true, stress destroys first our mental shell and then the physical one. On this basis, we can conclude that in order to be healthy and live long, you need to consciously understand that if we live through stressful situations in life, we need to use similar methods of natural healing available to everyone.
Reiki gives your body a break from the stresses of everyday life, helping it return to a state of relaxation. While in this state, your body is able to heal any damage caused by stress, injury, or illness. By helping a person experience deep relaxation, Reiki enhances and accelerates our own natural healing process so that the body can stop being stressed and focus on self-healing.
According to Harvard Health, , the brain is constantly processing information in an area called the hypothalamus, which then sends signals through your autonomic nervous system to the rest of your body to stimulate or relax various functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and digestion.
When you experience stressors such as poor sleep, relationship confrontation, or just exercise, your sympathetic nervous system responds by releasing the hormone adrenaline and raising your heart rate and blood pressure. Studies show that when your body is constantly under stress, this reaction can become overreacted, which can lead to problems such as an increased risk of heart disease.
And the researchers measured heart rate variability, or a measure of change over time between each heartbeat, to gauge how the nervous system responds to therapy.
A low score indicates little heart rate variability, indicating that the sympathetic component of your nervous system may be working overtime and your stress levels are high. Meanwhile, a high score means greater heart rate variability and the parasympathetic component of the nervous system responsible for rest and digestion.
Researchers found that heart rate variability was greater after a Reiki session, suggesting (using highly quantitative physiological measurements) that Reiki may help relax a stressed nervous system.
Keep in mind that Reiki is a form of complementary therapy, which means that it works in conjunction with, and not in place of, other medical and therapeutic modalities. Because Reiki energy is so balancing our system as a whole, it has the potential to be beneficial in any situation but should not be used as a substitute for other treatments prescribed by your doctor.
The Reiki system practiced today in the United States was discovered by the Buddhist priest Mikao Usui (known as Usui Sensei) in the 1920s. There is evidence that other styles of Reiki were practiced in Japan before Usui created his style known as Usui Reiki, but these earlier styles were not widely known.
Mikao Usui was a very educated man from the samurai family. He was a Buddhist, and at the same time taught Christianity at a small Christian university in Kyoto, Japan.
One day, a conversation with one of the students before the start of Sunday worship changed the meaning of Dr. Usui's life. When he was about to start one of the last Sunday services of the school year, one of the students asked - do you believe that Christ made the sick healthy, that he healed? Dr. Usui: “I have not experienced this myself, but I believe the words of the Bible.” Student: “For you, Dr. Usui, such blind faith is obviously enough. For us, entering into adulthood, this is not enough. We would like to see with our own eyes"
By this the seed was sown.
The next day, Dr. Usui left his post and went to the United States to the University of Chicago. There he received his doctorate in ancient languages. In his doctoral dissertation, he tried to comprehend the mystery of the healing of Christ and his apostles. However, he did not find what he was looking for. During the classes, he came across messages from Buddhist literature, which told that the Buddha also had the gift of healing. So he decided to go back to Japan and try to research everything about healing in Buddhism.
In the monasteries of Japan, Dr. Usui researched Buddhist scriptures, sutras, but found nothing. Eventually he decided to learn Sanskrit so that he could read Buddhist scriptures in the original.
Finally, he found what he had been looking for for so long. In the Buddha's teachings, which he said were written down by an unknown devotee, Dr. Usui found formulas and symbols and descriptions of the Buddha's healing processes. So at the end of a seven-year search, Dr. Usui found what he was looking for - and yet not completely. Although he found the lost knowledge, he did not find the Power to heal. And he decided to go to the mountains to meditate in the hope that there this Power would be revealed to him for healing.
Dr. Usui then ascended the sacred mountain Kurama in northern Kyoto, Japan, and after three weeks of fasting and meditation, Mikao Usui realized that he had experienced Reiki energy for the first time. Although he was starving and close to death from starvation, the surge of intense healing energy gave him a sense of vitality and awareness that he had never felt before. Soon after, Mikao Usui opened a clinic in Tokyo to practice healing techniques.

Hawayo Takata, a Japanese-Hawaiian Reiki master, began teaching Usui Reiki in Hawaii in the 1930s, and in the 1970s she traveled throughout the United States teaching Reiki to those who wished to. She was a great woman, she was known, loved and respected by a variety of people.
Takata taught people to "live with Reiki". It is a comfortable, joyful and gentle life, full of good Health, Happiness and Longevity, to which we all aspire. Hawayo Takata belongs to those who have changed the lives and perceptions of people in our century, who have made our world a better place…”
As early as the mid-1990s, doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel who learned Reiki began using the technique in US hospitals, and Reiki continues to expand as more and more people benefit from it. Today, Reiki is used in both inpatient and outpatient settings as an adjunctive treatment for surgery, cancer, and AIDS.
Bodner, who has been practicing Reiki at the Cleveland Clinic for nearly a decade, has noticed that interest in Reiki is growing. “The level of knowledge has grown exponentially over the past few years,” she says.
Who Should Try Reiki?
“There is no danger in doing Reiki. Reiki cannot cause harm and has no side effects,” says Dr. Baldwin.
What to Expect at Your First Reiki Session
Reiki sessions vary in length but often last between 60 and 90 minutes. You will spend the entire session lying fully dressed on the massage table, but if you are pregnant or cannot lie flat for other reasons, you can sit in a chair or comfortable chair. It is desirable that the clothes were loose, it is recommended to remove jewelry, belts and accessories that interfere with the free movement of Reiki energy.
Basic Principles of Reiki that can be applied to everyone without exception
Don't worry today.
Don't be angry today.
Honor your parents, teachers and elders.
Earn your living honestly.
Be grateful to all living things.
Mikao Usui
In addition to healing, Reiki (Reiki, Reiki) also includes a spiritual side, which is outlined in the five principles of Reiki. It is important to understand that Reiki is not a religion, but a spiritual system that is rooted in such Eastern philosophy as Buddhism.
By following these simple and wise principles, you will not only improve your life, but also make the lives of those around you much easier, calmer, more harmonious and happier.
“Just today, don’t worry.”
If we do not worry, our mind is in a stable calm state. With this attitude, we always feel ready to cope with any difficulty that arises. As a result, according to the principle of feedback, the biological rhythm of the body is constantly improving. Anxiety speaks of our distrust of the Universal processes. Inner peace leads to the harmonization of internal energy and filling our body with vital energy (Ki energy).
“Just today, don’t be angry.”
Anger destroys both the person himself and his environment. Using the example of anger, one of the strongest human emotions, Mikao Usui points out the need to find a way to become immune to any emotional outbursts. You should not get rid of the accumulated harmful emotions, shifting them onto the shoulders of others. We should also not allow hatred, anger and fear to build up inside us, so as not to be pressured by an even greater burden of problems. The main purpose of the Reiki exercises is to process the emotional waste of a person into pure energy that enhances our life force.
“Honor your parents, teachers and elders.”
Parents are your roots, the foundation of your life, which is important to accept in yourself. Teachers are your knowledge, experience and growth, your desire for light. The elders are life wisdom, spirituality. These are the three pillars that will allow you to fulfill yourself and find your mission on Earth.
"Honestly earn your living."
Any activity only brings deep satisfaction and spiritual growth when it is honest in relation to the world around. Nothing can justify cheating. It is also important to learn how to fully immerse yourself in action, turning any work into meditation, which contributes to the complete restoration of the expended energy. It doesn't matter what kind of work we do, what matters is what lesson we learn from it.
“Be grateful to all living things.”
In the dimension of the universe, there is no difference between self and others. To be grateful to all living things means that gratitude will return to you strengthened many times over. "He who helps others helps himself," the Japanese say. “What you sow, you will reap,” the Russians say. One of the concepts of Eastern Buddhism is this: "If you want to be happy, then you must make others happy. What will save you and save you is what surrounds you, and not you yourself." This is a lesson in love, harmony and inner gratitude.